Dark Crafts – Relics from a production process
Design By Jeremy Walton

Material exploration, capturing and replicating the plaster models at The Lapidarium of Kings Copenhagen (a retirement home for sculptures). Putto’s head (cherub) and a horse head were used for reproduction. Photogrammetry was used to capture the retired plaster sculptures, and manipulated in CAD to allow mould parts to be milled out using a 3-axis CNC. Exploring darkness human charred feces (eventually substituted with charcoal due to delivery and import time) and animal bone was used to create a solid light absorbing material. A leathery dough like material is mixed which can be rolled out and then pressed into moulds.

The pieces use digital technology to replicate the duplication process of plaster models. The wooden hammers used for the Putto Head are milled into oak in sections of the face, eye/nose, eye, cheek, lips, hair curl and other hair waves are replaced by using faces. These hammers, reminiscent of stone carvers mallets are used to compact a negative space that the black dough is laid into. Further dough layers are then added inside the form, to fill in the gaps and hold the face and hair together. Mimicking the construction of the original plaster models, a wood support is added within the hollow.
The horse head, intention is to be a bedside storage space. Is made in two halves, using the cnc to directly mill the negative moulds. The use of a three axis cnc eliminates undercuts in the mould and simplifies and distorts the original sculpture.
- Date: 2016
- Design: Jeremy Walton
- Material: Naturals
- Techniques: 3 axis CNC, Photogrammetry, Shou Sugi Ban. Ebonizing wood, Moulding.
- Dissemination: Dark Crafts – Relics from a production process, 2016. SE – Pitch Black at The Lapidarium of Kings, Copenhagen.