Iceberg Diamond Shade – Made with selected papers and salvaged posters
Design: Jeremy Walton

Lampshade made as part of the Made personally exhibition at Mooment shop. My subject theme for this shade is an Iceberg. I done some in-depth study of icebergs (looking at a couple of photos on google images) The diamond shade lends itself to the form of the iceberg and I collected papers that are white, pure white and super white for the ice above the water line. For the ice below the water line and deeper inside the iceberg, I collected blue paper, milk cartons and the monthly Map magazine (poster) by architect David Garcia. All locally accessible material resources.

Thank you to David Garcia at MapArchects for the Map map, that I used as a material resource. Firstly it is the right sort of blue I need. Secondly, it is appropriately about Antarctica. So looking closely within the lampshade, one can find small drawings of penguins, people dressed for arctic conditions, snow flakes and even photos of icebergs.
The Diamond shade is an e-craft book as part of my DesignYouMake instruction and template collection. The Diamond shade principal, followed on from the original Neo Tramp Art lampshade, but i would say the Diamond Shade is coming closer to being Tramp Art due to its similarity with the notch and layer technique, the person making has freedom to express their own form and colour using the cut and layer technique. They are not restricted by a specific form decided by me.
006 Craft Ebook is available to download. If link is not here get in touch and I’ll send you the pdf.
- Materials: Paper, Handmade Glue using flour and sugar.
- Production / Technique: Diamond Shade e-craft book
- Dimensions: 55 x 55 x 70 cm
- Relating Projects: oo6 Craft ebook
- Dissemination: Mooment exhibitions. 2009. Copenhagen Culture Night. Copenhagen.