Cannon Smoke Diamond Shade – Made with selected papers and re-use of milk cartons
Design: Jeremy Walton
Partners: SoupaNatural at Climate Community Field, Roskilde Festival

Using, the JWoo6 Diamond Shade craft ebook, I set about creating Cannon Smoke as part of the Silent Circus project in SoupaNatural’s circus tent in the Climate Community field of the Roskilde Festival.
Going along with the Circus theme, I studied in detail (a couple of online photos) Cannon Smoke from human cannon ball acts. I attempted to recreate this using the lampshade diamonds made of craft paper, waste paper and good old milk cartons.
The majority was made on site using a cutting knife, a staple gun and with help thanks to my festive festival helpers. The result was a battle against the wind and humidity. some amount of smoke built up over the duration of the festival. I did manage to test and learn a lot about the diamond shade and the craft eBook which presents how to make your own diamonds into smoke, candyfloss or whatever takes your fancy. I started with an explosive centre, which aptly vanished late one night leaving just a cloud of smoke.
- Materials: paper and empty milk cartons from the coffee shop.
- Production / Technique: Cut and paste
- Dissemination: Roskilde Festival 2009. Canon Smoke. SoupaNatural at Climate Community Field, Roskilde Festival.
- Relating Projects: DesignYouMake, Craft eBook, Diamond Shade